HomeWhy Us?

%100 domestic capital

From assembly to manufacturing we use one hundred percent domestic capital.

Environmental friendly

For a more liveable World, we choose every material and component in regard to environmental consciousness. We manufacture our products without using any unneccesary dangerous chemicals as much as we can.

Turkey’s first and only manufacturer

We are the first and only manufacturer of the raised floor concrete cored steel panels that are used in building and construction industry.


High quality service

We trust and believe in any product we manufacture or planning to manfacture as DEBYA Panel.

Easy assembly and warranty

We guarantee that you will not come across to any problems due to assembly our our products thanks to our experts.

Customer focused

Müşterilerimizle olan ilişkilerimizde karşılıklı saygı, değer ve güveni önemsemekteyiz. Bu ilkeler doğrultusunda büyümemize destek veren müşterilerimizle aramızdaki bağı sağlamlaştırmayı ve bunun yanı sıra yeni müşterilerimiz ile tanışmayı arzulamaktayız. Onlar sayesinde var olduğumuzu bildiğimiz için onların memnuniyetlerine yönelik çözümcül ve kaliteli hizmet anlayışı ile çalışmaktayız.

Ever-developing R&D studies

We develop and upgrade our products with the help of high technology. Our research and development studies are being done by our professional team in our modern production facility.